TUESDAY – 2:00pm- Church Fellowship (1st and 3rd)
TUESDAY – 2:30pm – Prayer and Bible Study Group (4th)
WEDNESDAY – Friendship Centre – it is with regret we will not be reopening the Friendship Centre in the foreseeable future.
THURSDAY – 7:30pm – Choir Practice
Church Fellowship
Our Fellowship members usually attend meetings, which are held on the first and third Tuesday afternoon at 2:30pm of each month . Our programme is varied, with interesting, informative and entertaining talks. All meetings begin with a brief period of devotion and end with a chance to chat over coffee and biscuits.

In the summer we meet for coffee in members’ homes and gardens and we raise money with bring-and-buy stalls for charities, such as Youth Cancer Trust and Schools in Sudan. A highlight of the summer, which in recent years has become an annual event, is our picnic lunch in the garden of one of our members. The Fellowship Anniversary Service, a very special occasion, is on the last Sunday morning in November. Members take part in the Service and a local Minister is invited to preach. At Christmas time we enjoy an informal social evening together, sharing fun, fellowship and food! Within the organisation members care for one another and there is, indeed, a real feeling of fellowship.
Prayer and Bible Study Group
We feel that we should know our Bible better and understand more of what it means. We have coupled this with a time for Prayer to help us know what or how to pray. As Christians we believe that the Bible is the single most important book ever written and so we should take every opportunity to discover its meaning and relevance to living today. Also we know that prayer is important because it is the way we communicate with God and through that our relationship with him develops. Our Prayer and Bible Study group meet on the fourth Tuesday of each month.

Iford Church has a long choir tradition and this has continued to the present with a small but competent choir. The purpose of the choir is to provide a lead for the congregational singing of hymns and to give musical support to the Minister i.e. to provide a Ministry of Music. The choir at present has 9 members with voices in all parts. We sing an anthem at each service from a varied repertoire ranging from classical to modern and also participate in the Communion Services by singing a short ‘Taize’ type meditation. The augmented choir leads and contributes to the service of Readings & Carols for Christmas. On Palm Sunday they present an Easter Cantata such as the traditional “The Crucifixion” by John Stainer or the more modern “Behold your King” by John Peterson. Alternatively, the choir leads a service of Easter Readings and Sacred Music, including excerpts from some of the Cantatas. The Church is very fortunate to have the services of a couple of Organists who assist on a rota basis to support the choir and further enhance our services. Choir practice takes place on Thursday evenings at 7:30pm.